Цель сбора средств

We are raising funds to invite international artists to create thematic works in Huangshan, a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site. The artworks will be inspired by the natural beauty and cultural significance of Huangshan. Donors who contribute €100 or more will receive an NFT based on one of the artist's works.
The NFTs will be minted on the BNB blockchain and will be unique and non-fungible. They will be a collectible item that represents the donor's support for art and culture.
The funds

Подробное описание

我们正在筹集资金邀请国际艺术家在世界自然和文化遗产黄山创作主题作品。这些艺术作品的灵感来源于黄山的自然美景和文化意义。捐款 100 欧元或以上的捐赠者将收到基于该艺术家的一件作品的 NFT。NFT 将在 BNB 区块链上铸造,并且是唯一且不可替代的。它们将成为一件收藏品,代表捐赠者对艺术和文化的支持。筹集的资金将用于支付艺术家的旅行、住宿和材料费用。它们还将用于推广艺术品并提高黄山的知名度。我们相信,这次筹款活动是将国际艺术家和黄山之美汇聚在一起的独特机会。我们希望您考虑支持这个项目。

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  • Необходимо собрать
  • 10 000
  • До 29 июня 2024
  • 0 Взносов
    Гибкая Денежные средства будут доступны автору проекта при сборе не менее 50% от требуемой суммы. Модель сбора
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5 €

Donors who contribute €100 or more will receive an NFT based on one of the artist's works.

Доставка Июнь 2024
10 €

Donors who contribute €100 or more will receive an NFT based on one of the artist's works.

Доставка Апрель 2024